Thursday, May 1, 2008

Russia Anyone?


As far as I know today, no one either Vlad or Cathy my facilitators for Ukraine can confirm that Ukraine has banned my adoption. Since our dossier was accepted April 14, 2008, we do not know how or if this law will be imposed on me. I wrote the US Embassy and they have no new information for me either. So, here we wait not knowing.

Now for Russia, Svetlana returned from vacation. She said that Russia is on holiday for the next two weeks and that she does not expect much to happen. So sad. I have to say that I am getting really frustrated with all of this and I have decided to only check e-mails once a day.

I hope I truly walk with God and there is a reason for all of this. It seems at times that it will not happen but I am truly trying to be STRONG!!

Who Knows

The up and down journey still continues. This is where we are at today.

This is from the US Embassy in Kiev, Ukraine:

Dear Members of the American Adoption Community Interested in Ukraine:
On April 21, 2008 the President of Ukraine signed law #258-VІ, On Legislative Amendments to Ukraine's Laws (regarding adoptions). The law came into full effect on April 24, 2008 upon its publication in the official newspaper of Ukraine's Parliament. This new law introduces the following major changes to current Ukrainian legislation:
- The minimum age of prospective adoptive parents must be at least 21 years old; - The maximum age difference between adoptive parents and adopted children cannot exceed 45 years; - Unmarried foreign citizens cannot adopt Ukrainian children.
Ukraine's State Department for Adoption and Protection of the Rights of the Child will notify all the adoptive parents who will be affected by this law directly or through their local representatives.